How did I discover Body Rolling?

It was 13 years ago, in the USA. At that time I have been living in Houston. I have been working for a French company as an area manager and I have been traveling all over the world. It was a very interesting job, at first glance maybe a dream for some of you.

For me, at the beginning, it was also a dream to have a job like this.
But in reality, to have a job with lot’s traveling is more about: getting up early in the mornings, long hours spent at the airport, delayed or canceled flights, dinners spent in the hotel with your computer writing reports to your boss … and basically no time for yourself, no time for sightseeing, no time to really enjoy a new place.

After years, I stopped loving my job, I was tired of travelling and spending my time alone in the hotels and running all the time to the airports to catch up my flights. When I was at home, usually on some weekends, most of the time, I was sleeping half of the day and I had no interest to do anything else. Somehow, even my body stopped listening to me. My back and neck hurt, I felt a kind of stiffness all over my body, even though I was practising yoga and pilates.

One time, during the weekend, when I was home, I decided to go to my favorite pilates studio to do some exercises. I desperately needed to stretch my body. No pilates class that day but some kind of Body Rolling class instead. At the beginning it was weird for me to roll my body on a ball and sinking all my weight in it to release tension in my fascias, tendons and muscles. But after an hour of doing this, I felt completely transformed: I was relaxed,

I was walking with ease, all my fatigue and tension were gone. I had an impression to fly! I couldn’t believe it. The best thing ever to melt tension in your body and to feel great!

I can only recommend you to try it!

1. Do you feel stiffness and pain in your body?

2. Do you miss time to exercise regularly?

3. Do you want to get rid of the stress and to release tension and pain in different parts of your body?

4. Do you want to gain more strength and flexibility?

5. Do you want to reduce fatigue and gain energy to do things you really want to do?
Try Body Rolling and you will feel the difference in your body and mind immediately!

I propose you to read my eBook „Why to get started with Body Rolling?“ that I wrote especially for you and I am happy to send it to you for free!

"Miluji lidské tělo a baví mě zdravě žít. Jsem specialistkou zdravého pohybu a zdravého životního stylu. Svým klientům pomáhám jednoduchou a efektivní metodou uvolnit ztuhlé části těla a s nimi spojené emocionální bloky, zbavit je bolesti a stresu. Rada pomohu i vám cítit se lépe ve vašem těle i ve vaší mysli." Více informací o mně zjistíte tady>>